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The performing bundle is a package that gives you several sheet music options as well as a permit to reproduce score for one choir or music group.


  • The Sing Along version offers a simple piano arrangement as well as the guitar chords. It can be used in different settings such as campfires, youth groups, worship groups, etc. 
  • The Original version is the sheet music used for our music videos. It can be used for performing in different settings such as concerts, weddings, churches, etc. To listen to this song click here
  • Included in Downloads: 
    • Vocal Score 
    • Vocal & Piano Score 
    • Sing Along Score 
  • Permit Disclaimer: Together with the purchase of this download we give you permission to photocopy the sheet music needed for a single choir or music group. The reproduction and distribution of any part of the download for a second music group/choir is illegal. We thank you for your honesty and for helping us to further bless others through our productions.

Higher Than Your Thoughts (Performing Bundle)

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